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You are currently viewing Workshop E3D – Documentation and knowledge infrastructure : the case of Robert Pagès

9 h 30 - 11 h 30

IUT Bordeaux-Montaigne - Salle 309


Dans le cadre du projet “Documentation and knowledge infrastructure case robert pages” mené par Michael Buckland et Olivier Le Deuff, et financé par la Fondation Berkeley France, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir nos collègues de l’Université de Berkeley en Californie : Michael Buckland et Paul Duguid pour un workshop le mercredi 29 juin à partir de 9H30 en sale 309 à l’IUT Bordeaux Montaigne.

Le workshop sera également accessible par zoom.

Programme de la matinée

Nos deux collègues présenteront leurs travaux respectifs. Un temps d’échange et de discussion est prévu.

Michael Buckland : Documentation as machinery

“La documentation est à la culture ce que la machinerie est à l’industrie,” wrote Robert Pagès in his Transformations documentaires et milieu culturel (1948). https://ideaexchange.uakron.edu/docam/vol8/iss1/

The importance of documents and documentation motivates careful analysis. A selection of current unsatisfactory concepts will be identified and improvements presented: copy theory; context; relevance; the bibliographical concept of a “work”; and the relationship between documents and facts.

Michael Buckland is Emeritus Professor, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley. A librarian in England and the USA, he became Dean of the Berkeley School of Librarianship and, later, coordinator for library policies for the multicampus University of California. He has written widely on the history and theory of documentation, including Emanuel Goldberg and his knowledge machine (2006), Information and society (2017) and Ideology and libraries (2021).

Un article en français retrace ses apports scientifiques : https://hyperotlet.huma-num.fr/s/hyper-otlet/item/10817

Paul Duguid

It is often claimed that we live in the « age of information. » To some, such claims make the past irrelevant, while others respond that information has been key to every age. Historians themselves were rather slow to enter such discussions. But in recent years, historical works making information central to their arguments have grown significantly. This presentation will explore aspects of the historical understanding of information and its implications for how we think about information today.

Paul Duguid is Adjunct Full Professor at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley. Previously, he worked both in publishing and in Silicon Valley. He recently worked with historians as co-editor of Information: A Historical Companion (2021), a collection bringing together 100 authors, primarily historians. He is also co-author of The Social Life of Information (2000) and numerous essays on information and its history.